Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Review: It Will Just Be Us

Name -It Will Just Be Us
Pages -272
Author -Jo Kaplan
Publisher -Crooked Lane Books
Genre -Gothic Horror
Rating -4.5/5
Review no. -04
Source -NetGalley ARC
Synopsis -
A terrifying new gothic horror novel about two sisters and a haunted house that never sleeps, perfect for fans of Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle.They say there's a door in Wakefield that never opens...
Sam Wakefield's ancestral home, a decaying mansion built on the edge of a swamp, isn't a place for children. Its labyrinthine halls, built by her mad ancestors, are filled with echoes of the past: ghosts and memories knotted together as one. In the presence of phantoms, it's all Sam can do to disentangle past from present in her daily life.
But when her pregnant sister Elizabeth moves in after a fight with her husband, something in the house shifts. Already navigating her tumultuous relationship with Elizabeth, Sam is even more unsettled by the appearance of a new ghost: a faceless boy who commits disturbing acts--threatening animals, terrorizing other children, and following Sam into the depths of the house wielding a knife. When it becomes clear the boy is connected to a locked, forgotten room, one which is never entered, Sam realizes this ghost is not like the others. This boy brings doom...
As Elizabeth's due date approaches, Sam must unravel the mysteries of Wakefield before her sister brings new life into a house marked by death. But as the faceless boy grows stronger, Sam will learn that some doors should stay closed--and some secrets are safer locked away forever.
Review -
I requested this book because it has an amazing cover. Seeing the cover itself gave me chills!
And the story! MY GOD! It is one of the scariest stories I have ever read! I read the whole book in a single sitting, because I don't know what possessed me, I wasn't able to stop myself from turning the page. This book was so full of gothic horror that my whole body got goosebumps while I was reading it. This book is creepy, scary, frightening, terrifying, petrifying, daunting, disturbing, hair-raising, spine-chilling and what not. If anybody thinks that they can't be scared by anything in this world (or other world to be precise) give this book a try!
Sam Wakefield lives in a haunted house at the edge of a swamp with her mother.  This is place where ghosts and memories appear daily. When pregnant sister Elizabeth comes to escape an abusive husband something changes. Rather than just being haunted by the images of the dead Sam is seeing what looks like the future.
I enjoyed the idea of just accepting and dealing with living in a haunted house. For example the furniture never gets moved. It can be confusing to walk into a room that is currently haunted by images from years past, you don't want to trip over the coffee table!
Poor Sam wonders if shes going crazy with all the changes, wonders if she has always been crazy. The imagery is dark but the plot is very predictable. Still, even knowing how things will end you want to keep reading to see it play out.  Its old fashioned and atmospheric
But this book (according to me) has only one flaw: the slow pace. Apart from that this book is really good and I would recommend everybody to give it a try.
P.s.- I hope the faceless boy isn't after me while I write this review

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