Sunday, May 31, 2020

Review: Chosen Ones

Name - Chosen Ones
Pages -432
Author -Veronica Roth
Publisher -Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Genre -Sci-Fi & Fantasy, New Adult
Rating -4/5
ISBN -9780358164081
Source -NetGalley
Review no. -33
Synopsis -

Fifteen years ago, five ordinary teenagers were singled out by a prophecy to take down an impossibly powerful entity wreaking havoc across North America. He was known as the Dark One, and his weapon of choice—catastrophic events known as Drains—leveled cities and claimed thousands of lives. Chosen Ones, as the teens were known, gave everything they had to defeat him.

After the Dark One fell, the world went back to normal . . . for everyone but them. After all, what do you do when you’re the most famous people on Earth, your only education was in magical destruction, and your purpose in life is now fulfilled?

Of the five, Sloane has had the hardest time adjusting. Everyone else blames the PTSD—and her huge attitude problem—but really, she’s hiding secrets from them . . . secrets that keep her tied to the past and alienate her from the only four people in the world who understand her.

On the tenth anniversary of the Dark One’s defeat, something unthinkable happens: one of the Chosen Ones dies. When the others gather for the funeral, they discover the Dark One’s ultimate goal was much bigger than they, the government, or even prophecy could have foretold—bigger than the world itself.

And this time, fighting back might take more than Sloane has to give.

Review -

Chosen Ones is a action and suspense-packed book with a unique, thrilling and captivating story. Every theme was new in this book, including the fact that there was no 'one-true-savior-of-the-world' thing. The world building was wonderful.

The book follows the story of Sloane Andrews, ten years after she and her 'chosen' friends collectively brought down the Voldermort-like 'Dark One'. But life isn't as sweet and rosy for them as one would expect. They attract all the media and public attention. Some of them still suffer from PTSD. And Sloane has some secrets of her own that alienates her from her own friends.

But when one of the 'Chosen Ones' dies, their lives turn upside-down, and it seems that the Dark One is not dead after all. They travel to an unimaginable place.

The Chosen Ones has the right amount of Sci-fi and Fantasy. The fact that the Chosen Ones are troubled by media, paparazzi and that some of them still suffer trauma makes the story realistic. And above all the twists were totally unforeseen.

The things that I didn't like in this book is that there were extracts, references and memorandums at the end of almost every chapter which made me forget were the last chapter ended. I think that the author wanted to explore the New Adult genre to its limit as she used the F-word a lot. Also, I felt the story was too slow-paced at some parts.

I thank NetGalley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for giving me this amazing opportunity to read and review this amazing book.  

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